

100のイマジネーション、100のムービースタイル。アート、音楽、ジャーナリズム。拡大しつつある映像表現の今を網羅。さらに、100人の作家データを収録。サンプル映像収録のDVD付。POWER GRAPHIXXの映像作品も掲載されいます。

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メディア掲載『The Creator Studio #6 Duality』


The Creator Studio is a paper publication of torraspapel edited by La Habitacion Ediciones. It is a medium for publishing quality works, while at the same time demonstrating the qualities of creator as a support for the printed message. For their issue #6, POWER GRAPHIXX have provided several artworks based on the theme of “Man meets Machine”. PG justify ironically, “Technology is comfort, efficiency and reliability. Something we can’t live without nowadays. Why not shop till you die?”

メディア掲載『NEUT.006 “NO FUTURE WITHOUT ?”』



この書籍にPOWER GRAPHIXXの作品が掲載されています。



TYPE ONE is a rich visual and textual survey of current typography. While TYPE ONE provides practical context and examples, it also investigates the experimental and inspirational side of font design. This combination makes the book an essential resource for anyone seeking an up to date exploration and understanding of typography.

この書籍にPOWER GRAPHIXXの作品が掲載されています。

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メディア掲載『 Two-Color Graphics』


This book puts that myth to rest by showing how truly dynamic effects can be achieved with simple, inexpensive two-color printing. Besides its simplicity, it has a style all its own, which can convey sophistication, elegance, and integrity.

この書籍にPOWER GRAPHIXXの作品が掲載されています。

Purchase the book at Amazon

メディア掲載『Dos Logos』


The 2nd series of worldwide bestseller Los Logos, Dos Logos is now released. The book explores the exceptional visual language and stylistic approaches to logo creation by designers (incl. POWER GRAPHIXX) from around the globe. A must-have book for designers!!

この書籍にPOWER GRAPHIXXの作品が掲載されています。

Purchase the book at Amazon

メディア掲載『Refill Magazine – Issue1』


Forgot to announce about the magazine that PG has contributed to… a visual culture magazine called REFILL was released in June 30th 2003. REFILL is a new design magazine compiled by a Sydney-based design studio Keep Left Studios, featuring Rinzen, Pete Fowler, Power Graphixx, Futura 2000, Alife, Obey Giant, Phunk Studio, Michael Leon, Graphic Havoc etc.

この書籍にPOWER GRAPHIXXの作品が掲載されています。

メディア掲載『Los Logos』


Bringing together more than 3000 works by over 200 designers (incl. Power Graphixx) from around the globe, Los Logos spreads an incredible wealth of cutting edge design solutions over 444 pages, providing the ultimate collection of contemporary logo design. Well-indexed; subject-catalogued and systematically structured this popular bestseller has become the perfect research tool for any self-respecting designer or cultural enthusiast. 

この書籍にPOWER GRAPHIXXの作品が掲載されています。

Purchase the book at Amazon

メディア掲載『Narita Inspected』


Narita Inspected, the seal of approval slapped on scanned luggage at Tokyo’s Narita airport, places an x-ray focus on the capital’s graphic design community. Besides showcasing a comprehensive selection of amazing young hopefuls, their sometimes schizophrenic work samples are supplemented and contrasted with those extremes of Japanese society the locals tend to take for granted. As most of the contributors work from their economical, claustrophobic homes, often between bed, television and Playstation, glimpses of everyday madness and product overkill sneak into the designs which gain a generous touch of personality from these idiosyncratic living situations. Clean, purist traditionalism clashes with playful, trashy pictograms, unveiling a remarkably rich spectrum of vector and internet graphics, collages, games and cartoons.

この書籍にPOWER GRAPHIXXの作品が掲載されています。

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